"World Cinema: Israel"

My book, "World Cinema: Israel" (originally published in 1996) is available from Amazon on "Kindle", with an in-depth chapter comparing and analyzing internationally acclaimed Israeli films up to 2010.

Want to see some of the best films of recent years? Just scroll down to "best films" to find listings of my recommendations.


Thursday, September 20, 2012

The Flat

It's big news when an Israeli film gets theatrical release abroad -- and even bigger news when it's a documentary!  Just recently, I wrote about the theatrical release of Six Million and One.

And now, coming soon to theaters near you!  The Flat is going into theatrical release in New York and Los Angeles in October and in 50 additional major markets in the U.S.

Don't miss meeting the filmmaker Arnon Goldfinger who will attend the New York and Los Angeles theatrical premiere screenings!

The Flat, an amazing Holocaust documentary film, and also about family issues and  German immigrants in Israel (previously reviewed on this blog), is available for bookings from Ruth Diskin Films. 

Highly recommended!!

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